Jag har väldigt svårt att tro på pressen när det gäller Madonnas adoption. Jag är visserligen inte helt opartisk men jag kan tänka mig hur journalisterna vallfärdar till den lilla byn i Malawi och intervjuar, lägger ord i mun, påstår och gottar sig.
För övrigt tycker jag det är en smula otrevligt med dessa kändisar som åker till Afrika och kommer hem med ett barn på axeln. Jag tycker även att man i allmänhet ska adoptera föräldralösa barn innan man sätter nya till världen.
Tills motsatsen i fallet Madonna är bevisad; ett öppet brev från M, publicerat på;
Posted: 17 October 2006
My husband and I began the adoption process many months prior to our trip to Malawi. I did not wish to disclose my intentions to the world prior to the adoption happening as this is a private family matter. After learning that there were over one million orphans in Malawi, it was my wish to open up our home and help one child escape an extreme life of hardship, poverty and in many cases death, as well as expand our family.
Nevertheless, we have gone about the adoption procedure according to the law like anyone else who adopts a child. Reports to the contrary are totally inaccurate. The procedure includes an l8 month evaluation period after which time we hope to make this adoption permanent. This was not a decision or commitment that my family or I take lightly.
I am overwhelmed and inspired by my trip to Malawi and hope that it helps bring attention to how much more the world needs to do to help the children of Africa.
My heartfelt thanks for all the good wishes I have received and I hope the press will allow my family some room for us to experience the joy we feel to have David home.
Madonna Ritchie October 17, 2006 London, England