Madonna Topp 50 #5 - Music can be such a revelation

#5: "Into The Groove"
(Like A Virgin (re-issue), 1985, Madonna/Stephen Bray)

Världens bästa danslåt; Into The Groove, tar oss in på topp fem. Hur många gånger har undertecknad inte bett DJ:n gräva fram denna dänga? Hur många kilo har inte bränts från undertecknads kropp till tonerna av denna låt från filmen Desperately Seeking Susan?
1987 kom den fantastiska remixen på You Can Dance-samlingen och 2003 fick vi den sköna blandningen Into The Hollywood Groove på underskattade Remixed And Revisited.
Denna låt har minst nio liv.

And you can dance
For inspiration
Come on
I'm waiting

Get into the groove
Boy you've got to prove
Your love to me, yeah
Get up on your feet, yeah
Step to the beat
Boy what will it be

Music can be such a revelation
Dancing around you feel the sweet sensation
We might be lovers if the rhythm's right
I hope this feeling never ends tonight

Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free
At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see
I'm tired of dancing here all by myself
Tonight I wanna dance with someone else

Get into the groove
Boy you've got to prove
Your love to me, yeah
Get up on your feet, yeah
Step to the beat
Boy what will it be

Gonna get to know you in a special way
This doesn't happen to me every day
Don't try to hide it love wears no disguise
I see the fire burning in your eyes

Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free
At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see
I'm tired of dancing here all by myself
Tonight I wanna dance with someone else

Get into the groove
Boy you've got to prove
Your love to me, yeah
Get up on your feet, yeah
Step to the beat
Boy what will it be

Live out your fantasy here with me
Just let the music set you free
Touch my body, and move in time
Now I know you're mine

Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free
At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see
I'm tired of dancing here all by myself
Tonight I wanna dance with someone else

Get into the groove
Boy you've got to prove
Your love to me, yeah
Get up on your feet, yeah
Step to the beat
Boy what will it be


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